Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Ketakutan: Aal izz Well!

Kami memiliki penjaga tua di desa kami. Setiap patroli malam, di selalu berkata, “Aal izz well”. Dan kami tidur dengan nyenyak. Lalu ada pencuri dan kami mengerti bahwa dia tidak bisa melihat saat malam. Dia hanya berteriak ‘aal izz well’ dan kami merasa aman.

Hari itu aku mengerti bahwa hati ini mudah sekali takut. Kau hanya perlu menipunya. Sebesar apapun masalahnya, beritahu hatimu, “Aal, izz well, Pal. Aal izz well.”.

Apakah itu menyelesaikan masalah?

Tidak. Tapi kau mempunyai keberanian untuk menghadapinya.

When life spins out of control, just let your lips roll
Let your lips roll and whistle away the toll
The chicken’s clueless about the egg’s fate
Will it hatch or become an omelette
No one knows what the future holds
So let your lips roll and whistle away the toll
Whistle away the toll,
Yell: Aal izz Well
Hey Mate: Aal izz Well
Hey Bro: All izz Well
Hey Mate: All izz Well
Confusion and more confusion, no sign of any solution
Ah.. finally a solution. But wait.. what was the qouestion?

If the timid heart with fear is about to die.
Then con it bro, with this the simple lie
Heart’s an idiot, it will fall under that spell
Let your lips roll and whistle away the toll
Whistle away the toll, Yell: Aal izz Well
Hey Mate: Aal izz Well
Hey Bro: All izz Well
Hey Mate: All izz Well
Blew the scholarship on booze
But that did not dispel my blues
Holy incense lit up my plight
And yet God’s nowhere in sight
The lamb is clueless for what it’s destined
Will it be served on skewers or simply minced
No one knows what the future holds
So let your lips roll and whistle away the toll
Whistle away the toll,
Yell: Aal izz Well
Hey Mate: Aal izz Well
Hey Bro: All izz Well
Hey Mate: All izz Well

Semoga bermanfaat, jika kau benar-benar sepertiku yang sedang membutuhkannya. Semangat, Kawan! 

Disadur dari: dialog 3 Idiots

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